Wednesday, July 14, 2004

July 14 A Very slow crise Kake to Petersburg

No, there was nothing wrong with us or our boat today but there were so many humpback whales out putting on spectacular shows between there and here that we kept stopping to take it all in.

I am not complaining as it was such a treat but we began to wonder if we would ever get here.

These whales are not content to just surface, they exhale a big flume of steam, make singing noises, jump full length out of the water and crash down sideways, swim on their sides slapping the water with dorsal fins, and of course the traditional deep dive with a full tail fluke held in the air as they descend. There was one spot where an eco-adventure tour boat put people out in a small inflatable to get them up close. The whale was diving right in front of them and we could hear the people squealing with delight.

All in all it was a "magical" day and here we are again in our favorite Alaskan city of Petersburg. We even had a pizza delivered tonight...I couldn't even eat an entire piece but the taste was very enjoyable and we got our "pizza fix" for a while.

Gary just had his first shower in I'd hate to calculate how many days...he says he feels like a "new man"...and I was getting attached to the old one! My turn is next...whether I need it or not! Showers are one thing that is in short supply up here...but I suppose that is how they keep Alaskan moorage costs at .15 to .30 per foot ($4.80 to $9.60 for our boat). We will be spoiled when we go back to "at home" prices (.65 to $2 per foot).

Tomorrow we have declared as an official "day to just rest" and thenon Friday we will head sout through Wrangell Narrows to points south.

Thanks for checking on us from time to time.

Old Bro's Old Lady

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