Friday, July 16, 2004

July 16 Wrangell Narrows

Today we suceeded in another good passage through the famous "Wrangell Narrows". We are getting pretty good with the tide and current charts on these passages. We get it all figured out and then hitch a ride (following in the wake) behind one of the fishermen who live here. Works great and helps to reaffirm that we calculated it correctly. The tides are enormous this week so you don't want to figure it wrong.

Tonight is a quiet evening in the small town of Wrangell. We arrived right after their weekly cruise ship left...perfect timing...I could not imagine 2,000 tourists off that boat in this tiny town all at one time!

Met some more really nice cruising people today upon arrival. All you have to do is pull into a dock with lots of current whipping by and they all rush out and help you tie to the dock so you do not run into their boat. Great opener when we go over later and say "thanks" for the help...end up finding where they are from and a little of their favorite cruising destinations...all part of the adventure.

We left Petersburg today in a rainshower...first in quite awhile. It had been sunny and hot...even one young gal sunning herself in a bikini on the deck of one boat. We always try to look at the good side of as we left this morning, I commented to Gary at least he was not going to miss out on any good bikini watching days!

For those of you who know our line about "whose day is it to be weird"...we historically have taken turns...but this trip has been so loose and "off any schedule" we gave up on taking we are both weird every day!

Smile, it makes everyone wonder what you have been up to!

Nuff for now...Linda

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