Tuesday, August 10, 2004

July 30 Duncanby Landing, Rivers Inlet, BC

Depending on which direction you are traveling, this is either the first or last stop after crossing Queen Charlotte Sound. Their ad in Waggoner Cruising Guide says "our historic pier and boardwalk buildings are a snapshot of bygone days"...amen...I will agree with that statement. Gary restrained me from my usual tour of the docks to view the boats for fear of my safety...yeah he did not want to have to pull me out of the water again!

Speaking as one of advancing age...appearance is not everything...this "landing" is VERY rustic but it meets our current need which is a secure place to wait out the weather in the Queen Charlotte Sound. We are not alone as there are about 14 other boats here hanging around listening to the weather forecast and wind/wave reports. It looks like we may keep each other company for at least a few days.

Several of the boats are extra sensitive to the sea conditions as they are towing elaborate fishing skiffs. We sure are glad that is not our situation this year (as we were doing last year) because it would have complicated our trip beyond endurance.

We were surprised that there are even a couple boats here from Sequim...small world.

Our trip down from Ocean Falls this morning was OK. We started at 4:45 which was really not enough daylight but it got us here by noon and before the winds really picked up. There were very few other pleasure craft out this AM but LOTS of commercial seiners stringing their nets everywhere in front of our path. Made for a very interesting morning spotting them in the water and then working to maneuver around them. That could really tangle up our day to run into one. We have heard that the commercial catch has not been that good so the commercial fishing fleet are really scrambling to make ends meet.

Beautiful weather here. It had been very humid in Ocean Falls complete with lots of bugs. So far that is not a problem here.

Just got finished plotting out our course from here to Sullivan Bay so we will be ready when the weather window is available. It will be nice to be back into more familiar territory and on the other side of these momentous "crossings" of exposed water.

Nuff for now...time to wake Gary from his nap...don't tell him I told you his secret!


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