Tuesday, August 10, 2004

July 31 Sullivan Bay

Yes, we survived the stresses of the Queen Charlotte Sound this morning. It was one of those days that seemed it would not end.

We were struggling with seas of 6 to 10 feet the majority of the 8 hour trip. At times we were able to take them at 45 degree angle but occasionally we would get a stray one abeam which is very unsettling. We were in good company during the most critical portion as we "buddied up" and travelled with two other larger boats from Sequim...the "R Turn" and "Island Star III".

We are now very happy to be in the comfortable facilities at Sullivan Bay. We had dinner out tonight with new friends we have made from Bellingham. Anyone who has been here before will be surprised to know that Sullivan Bay had build and opened a brand new restaurant. It was very good and reasonably priced.

We will stay here at least 3 nights before we move on. We have decided that we will spend the next 4 to 6 weeks spending multiple days at some of Gary's favorite resort stops from last year's yacht club trip...as opposed to trying to move around a lot and not spend any quality time anywhere...if you read between the lines that we are getting tired...you are right. We have done so many different things over the past 3 months...we are still having a lot of fun but it is time to slow down a bit more.

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