Thursday, February 10, 2005

The day we waited so long for and we still don't know!!!

Well we waited several weeks for them to finally decide and schedule an injection in Gary's spine to relieve his pain and inflamation. Today was finally the day. They took him in and the doctor said it went very well. They really seemed to hit a VERY painful spot where they injected the lidocaine and steroids. Now we wait. The lidocaine wears off within 24 hours and the steroids are supposed to "kick in" within 48 hours. We will not really know until the steroids take effect if this will give him the relief that he has been longing for since his injury in October. Right now the mood is very was however refreshing that the doctor had such a determined attitude. She said her goal right now is to enable Gary to go on our Vietnam trip (we are scheduled to leave March 6th). We will be back to see her a week from tomorrow (on the 18th)and I am not sure what more she can do in that short time (18th to when we leave) but we will hope instead that things improve just based on the injection today....keep all fingers crossed and send up a few prayers for us. Gary needs the relief from the pain...I know it has really been wearing on him!

We had a surprise phone call this morning. I saw on the caller ID "The News Guard" which is the newspaper in Lincoln City. I almost did not answer it because I expected a sales pitch to get us to subscribe. Instead it was a reporter who "heard about us" and wanted to interview us for a feature story. WHAT??? She mentioned the blankets I did for Iraq, our upcoming trip to Vietnam and us as an enduring couple...(married 37 years this May). She said someone recommended us for the feature and wanted to remain anonymous. I can think of a couple friends who might have provided that much information. The reporter is due here at 9 am tomorrow morning. This may be an interesting experience...we will see. I guess if it stirs anyone else to move in charitable ways to support our veterans (both past/Vietnam and present/Iraq) I feel it will be well worth our time. We never have done things to get recognition or "glory" so I feel a little uncomfortable about that part but what the heck???

Today was one of those "There but for the grace of God goes I" days. Just visit a hospital admission, lobby, waiting room, etc. and you cannot help but encounter someone much less fortunate than you are. There was one man in particular that a nurse escorted into a side "consultation room" along with two plastic bags of "stuff"...Gary heard her say "That's all of her belongings". The man (about 55-60 years old) responded I've been ready for this for a long time now. Whew, puts you in your place real fast and you kind of give an extra hug or squeeze the hand of your loved one sitting aside you and appreciate what you have.

Everyday is an adventure,


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