Saturday, September 11, 2004

September 11 Port Angeles - the rooms finally stopped swaying!

Well after nearly 3 weeks at our Seagrove home we are finally feeling like we have our "land legs" back. Boy were we tired when we got back here, so I have been really negligent in posting anything additional here.

Even though we are not currently out on the seas "cruising" on our Nordic Tug, we are still "cruising" through life and the myriad of adventures for which we have become somewhat "famous".

New quote:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."

With that in mind, I will share with you Gary's latest zany adventure. He took an "intro flight" and now is learning how to fly a "powered parachute". It is a type of "ultralight" aircraft but does not have wings, instead there is a parachute hovering above you. (Do an internet search under "Six Chuter Powered Parachutes" if you can't quite "get the picture".) I have not been up in one yet, but Gary says it is a real "kick". At the moment, I am satisfied with having my "breath taken away" when I see my grandkids do something neat or when I complete a special sewing/quilting/machine embroidery project.

Maybe it (the powered parachutes) will "grow" on me but for now all I get is a "sinking" feeling!


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