Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Got lost on E-Bay

It has taken me a number of days to get back to blogging here with respect to events. The main reason...OK excuse...I will use was I got lost on E-Bay. I got so engrossed in hunting out "bargains" on things...most of which I could do without...that I got hooked. I was staying up until 1 and 2 AM surfing and browsing and bidding. Most of the bids I "lost" due to lots of E-Bay tactics that I was not aware of nor skilled at. E-Bay "sniping" is a new technique that I had to have daughter Cindy explain to me and then even my "little" sister Becky admitted to being an E-Bay sniper. What next???

For those of you who don't know this term...here is your lesson for the day. The sniper sneaks in at the last minute or in most instances at the last couple seconds and just barely bidding over you to "steal" away the item you were trying to get a good deal on. By the time you see the new bid, the bidding on that item has "closed". My big hunt item most recently was a new coffee maker. I got it into my head that I HAD to have a new Cuisinart Brew Central Coffeemaker. It retails for $99 but I was determined not to pay that much. Anyway someone put 6 of them up on E-Bay in an open, no reserve auction. I had one scoped out and bid on it...at the last minute someone overbid my maximum of $20 and took it for $20.50. I had several subsequent auctions on this same coffee maker but they were such a "hot" item that the new ones went for everything up to $70. Finally, Gary...being really helpful...points out that I could walk into the outlet mall and buy one for $99 and no shipping. Heck, if I waited for "old ladies day" (every Tuesday you get 10% off if you are willing to admit you are over 55) I could get it for $90. Walking into the mall is not as much fun anymore now that I know the "thrill" of e-bay. Well, finally I bid on one that was a "Dutch Auction" (I will save that lesson for another time) but there were two available at bids starting for $50 with the auction closing at 3 AM. Not really sure what happened but I was the only one to bid and have one on the way to me for $50 plus $15 shipping. I better reserve my "winner's lap" until the unit arrives...perhaps it will be "tiddy pink" or have some other issue that explains why I finally "got one" at a decent price.

I just finished up some exciting sewing...attaching new affiliation (Big Foot Side Car Club", "United Sidecar Association", etc) patches to our motorcycle riding jackets. Those are always a challenge due to all the lining and pockets. Of course I try to mount the patches without sewing through everything so I search out a way to turn the lining and such inside out without destroying the jacket. Makes it sooo interesting to do. Done for now though.

Sewing project right before that was making from "scratch" some of the new packing folders that Eagle Creek puts out now and sell for $30 plus. They are pretty neat and you end up with your clothes all folded (like the freshly starched and folded men's shirts used to come from the dry cleaners) and they are stacked together and folded into a canvas case. Good thing I have lots of time and like the creativity of the project as I ended up with lots of time in them.

Our Vietnam trip is fast approaching...we leave on March 6th. Still moving forward with positive attitude that Gary's back will get enough better for us to go. He is having an Epidural Steroid Injection into his Sacroiliac on Thursday. That is supposed to dull the pain and calm down the inflammation that he has been dealing with for the past 4 months!!!

Today even though Gary was hurting he was determined to get something done. He went out the garage to work on wiring the trailer hitch on our PT Cruiser. Once on the cold floor, his back was intolerable. I volunteered and ended up under the car cutting nyeties (those are not night clothes nor undergarments, but plastic ties to hold up wiring), rerouting wiring and reinstalling nyeties. It sure feels good to be small enough to slide under something like that and take care of things that I would not have even attempted before. Gary has been especially patient with me appreciating the fact that I can be his hands in tight spaces and difficult positions that his back will not currently allow.

Water aerobics has been very productive lately as we are working on "abs" big time. I sure enjoy having a good strenuous class and excellent facilities (at the Salashan Resort) so near by...just 2 miles away. It is not a big class...we usually have 4 to 6 there but we all have a great time and take it pretty seriously.

Nuff for tonight...still need to "hit" e-bay...never know what I might be missing!


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