Monday, January 17, 2005

Honey, does this dress make me look fat??? (quote from current TV ad...if you've seen it you know what I mean)

So why the quote at the top? well, I just finished trying on (multiple times) slacks and tops I purchased online from "Travel Smith". They are special travel clothes made not to wrinkle in your suitcase and also light enough to be washed out in the sink and dry overnight. Will have to see about that all...frankly (other than underpants) for a 14 day trip I probably can wear them the whole time and just wash at home.

As always, nothing in the catalog (I had paper and online) looks the same when you put it on your own body so there is a certain amount of decision involved in which ones I keep and what I will send back. All were deeply discounted because they were "overstocks" so the prices were excellent but some pieces I decided I would never wear here and so they were not worth keeping. It had been awhile since I had really bought some clothes so it was a new experience and I would have to say I am now "set" for the summer as well.

Still appreciate the "hand me downs" Cindy gives me but since I have plateaued in my weight I have not moved on to the next layer in my cedar chest lately...I have them layered according to size with a cardboard divided announcing when I move from one size to the next. Currently I am still "stuck" between an 18 and 16 but all the stuff I got from Travel Smith was just ladies XL which made me feel good.

Gary was exasperated by my indecision in which pieces I liked and did not like...he said it sure is different with men and women...with a man if it fits and feels good it is a keeper. Cindy and I had discussed this since weight loss that it is now different for both of us. Now that we are in "regular" clothes you no longer have to settle on whatever just because it fits (sorry all we have the size 30W in is olive drab) but instead can be more "picky" in having choices and multiples available and can get "prettier" more attractive items as a result.

Went to a new dentist to me but not new to dentistry. It has been a loooong time since I went to a dentist who had one of the old bowls with running water for you to rinse and spit into...reminded me of my childhood days at the dentist. However this dentist is about the same age as I am...must have purchased the building with the original dentistry equipment in it.

The setting of the office and view from the exam rooms is spectacular as it looks out on the Siletz Bay and ocean beyond. Lots of bird habitat and coastal stuff to look at.
Really rainy and VERY windy today. Last time I checked our highest wind gust out in the back yard had been 33 mph...our rainfall so far this month totals 7.5 inches. Not much got caught in the rain gauge today as the wind has been blowing too hard for too long. Have a few new trees down in the neighborhood. Mostly because they are more exposed now that they have been logging on some property adjacent to the community. Not near our house but right up to the property lines of some others here...they had never considered their privacy was at risk but it was.


Linda aka MOM


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