Tuesday, August 16, 2005

August 16 How Do You Say "Uncle"?

Most of you will know what "saying Uncle" means...

I took one look at my dear husband this morning and told him "There is nothing that is worth making you sick!" He agreed and even though we have finally just today received the temperature cool down that had been promised (90 instead of 98+) we stayed inside and rested today in preparation of departing this historical (hysterical) site of excitement, congestion, exhaustion, humidity and adventure. Yes, even though we have thoroughly exhausted ourselves, it has been quite an adventure.

Yesterday we took off on the bus, transferred to Metro green line, transferred to Metro Orange line and got off at the proper station to walk another two blocks to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. It was awesome with the most lifelike exhibits of all sorts of animals, current and prehistoric. Any of these museums could consume a number of days if you slowed down and read all the exhibits. What an education that would be and finally being a weekday (Monday) we had less of a crowd to contend with. We made the most of it and even went to see one of their 3D IMAX movies...an underwater one that was beautiful but made me really sentimental about our previous diving adventures and how much I miss them now. It (the movie) started out in a gently swaying kelp forest so very similar to the one we used to dive in off Salt Creek West of Port Angeles. Diving is pure "magic" if any of you ever get the chance to do it...do it while you physically still can.

After the museum our top priority was to get back to the Vietnam War memorial, the Wall. We had a brief visit at it last week when we were on the all day Gray Line tour but they were running late and hurried us too much. We "needed" to go back and spend some quiet time there reflecting and taking some "rubbings" of names of Gary's friends who are on the wall.

I spoke with a gal at the info desk at the museum and she said the metro did not go close enough to it and that it was too far for Gary to walk on crutches from where we currently were located. It was important enough that we took a taxi. She had predicted $5 and the taxi driver would not take us for less than $8...so we went. In spite of the continuing heat and humidity, we had a very nice, relaxed visit to the Vietnam "Wall" , the impressive Korean War Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial (from a distance...too many steps to climb it).

When we were done and ready to go back to the motor home, we had no choice but another taxi to get us to the original subway station...$15 taxi fare later we were finally on our way speeding underground on the Metro out to our transfer point to get on the bus to our RV park. We were lucky and only had to wait 15 minutes at the bus stop,

However, by the time we arrived back at the air conditioned motor home all we could manage was a bowl of cereal, stare at the TV for an hour or so and then early to bed.

Oh, under the heading of "It's a Small World", we got to talking with a couple on the bus who were also headed to Cherry Hill Park. He mentioned that he had retired from his "practice" in Port Angeles, Washington. Come to find out he was an eye doctor who owned the building and had his practice in the same block as the Bank of America I originally worked at in Port Angeles. Never know who you will encounter so far from home.

Another traveling retired couple we met have set a goal for themselves to travel and visit each capital city in all 48 or 50 states. Obviously this is more than a one year goal as they tour each in depth and have set trinkets they pick up at each to document their visit...forgot if it was refrigerator magnets or something equally trivial but it meant something to them. I told her I could never handle the traffic and would rather set my goal to research and visit the "smallest" town in each state to visit...more my style of "adventure".

Next stop in this adventure of ours in will be 4 restful days and nights at a very nice facility called "Pine Hill RV" (yes, we are moving from Cherry Hill to Pine Hill) in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. I would love to research the origins of names and their significance...tried to get us accommodations at the RV park in "Intercourse", Pennsylvania...but they were full!!!!

From there we are just 50 miles from our next stop which is Evergreen Lake Camping in "Bath", Pennsylvania where we will stay a full week (August 21 to 28th). From there we can visit Stockertown and the surrounding towns of Eaton, Bethlehem, etc. for library genealogy research and visiting new relatives. Our actual "reunion" event is on the 27th but several of them are arriving on the 24th.

Hoping to hear more rain drops on our roof tonight. I was so relieved when it rained today as it really helped to bring the temperature down. Still very humid but much more bearable.



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