Thursday, August 18, 2005

August 18 Peaceful Pennsylvania

We had a very nice drive north out of Maryland yesterday. With every mile North, away from the congestion of Washington DC, the traffic got thinner, the weather cooler, the humidity lessened. Probably just a coincidence (change in weather at the same time as we moved away to a less congested area) but we arrived here in Kutztown rested and relaxed. In DC the humidity had been so high that it was like the air was thick enough to "cut" it. It was our first cool night and we were able to open the motor home windows and let the breeze blow through.

We slept well and then woke up to a sunny but cooler morning. It was near magic as we struck out on the motorcycle on the back roads in search of a covered bridge I had spotted on the map. Fresh and rested in the morning we played our old game of taking turns choosing which direction to turn at each intersection.

The colors of the overhanging trees were beautiful when we did not have to worry about catching the branches on the roof of the motor home. Directions are less crucial when you are able to do a U-turn on a narrow road. From the sidecar I am close enough to enjoy the small things I miss when I am up in the motor home and engrossed with the overall picture. We are finding that the motorcycle experiences are a nice "balance" to the motor home experiences. Variety keeps things interesting.

After our magical exploring we headed into Allentown to find a hospital lab and have my protime blood test done. They were very efficient and friendly, consistent with my previous experiences "on the road".

Next we set off to navigate the highways and byways in and around Allentown to run a few shopping errands. We discovered that even smaller towns can have traffic jams and we did not have sufficient detailed maps to navigate (when we have a specific destination).

Tomorrow, we hope to tour a series of covered bridges, this time well rested and well nourished so we can thoroughly enjoy the sights and sounds of our adventure.


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