Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sept 10 - Oklahoma City

We spent three nights at an Oklahoma State Park called Thunderbird State Park, just south of Oklahoma City. We had no desire to visit the big city but instead headed southeast to the small town of Maud for an advertised “antique” auto show they were having on their main street.

The back roads of Oklahoma stretched on and on as what had looked like ten miles, stretched into 30. It was quiet and quaint with an occasional armadillo or skunk roadkill here and there.

Finally we arrived in Maud, oops, almost missed Main street. We could see they had blocked off the street with orange cones and a group of people were gathered. As we parked in front of a small hardware store we could hear the out of date western music blaring. Yep, this is definitely Oklahoma. Parked next to us was an old pickup truck with a tattered davenport resting at a 45 degree angle, sticking out the back of the truck bed…perhaps an antique auto “rumble seat” Oklahoma style.

Another block down (main street is only 5 blocks long) we finally found the “antique” auto show. It was a local car club and most of their cars were younger than we are. There were about 20 cars and while they were very special to their owners, they were not what we expected. Everyone was having a good time, with cotton candy and beverages served out of the local refreshment wagon.

We enjoyed our visit, but when they brought in the trailer of brahma bulls it was time to leave. The bulls were to advertise a rodeo they were having that night but it was much too hot a day to have them contained in a trailer on main street.


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