Thursday, November 24, 2005

Familiar Sights of The Beauty of Nature

This picture was taken last week when we visited Ecola Park just North of Cannon Beach, Oregon. Some times I bang myself in the side of the head and ask...why do I leave this beautiful state to see the sights when it is so very glorious here. This was one of those cold, very sunny and occasionally foggy day on the Oregon Coast. We had a great time visiting some of the old places near where my parents had a cabin and I spent most of my summers.

I spent the summers riding my bike on the beach with my cocker spaniel trying to keep up with me. Used to joke I went down there, took my shoes off and did not put them back on until it was time to go back to Portland and school. Us 5 kids would track sand into the cabin all week. Dad would come down on the weekends and we would go out deep sea fishing with him on our old Criss Craft fishing boat. The salmon we threw back and kept the halibut to filet and place in our big freezer. It was a strict diet of fish and chips all summer long...yum.


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