Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A romantic ATV ride with my Valentine

Wahoo....did we have a blast and it was only "half price" ($20 each) this time because our group leader was kind enough to sit through a condominium sales presentation so the entire group could get 50% off any adventures they wanted to go on here...nice guy and he knew how to say NO on the condo sales promo when they tried to get him to buy.

So there were 19 of us brave souls waiting when the air conditioned van came to drive us west of Cabo San Lucas for our newest ATV adventure. We were to have the privilege of riding in a "Nature Preserve" that extends up into the mountains and down to the Pacific Ocean. We paid an extra $3 admission to get into the preserve and for that the ATVs had it all to themselves and also they had EMTs and ambulances on site. Now that part kind of made me nervous...what do they know about frequency of accidents that perhaps I am ignoring in doing this. The EMTs had their own quads and rode around with stretchers on the rig as well as their first aid kits, supplies, stethiscope and all.

WOW, once we watched one of our guys roll his quad and get banged up, I think we all slowed down. They always have the ladies out front (there were 4 of us in the group of about 30 quads). I guess we get to set the pace. There was one really BBBBIIIIIGGGG hill we had to go down that was a bit scary. We really got a variety of riding, up, down, around, sand, washboards, rocks, a little of everything.

The real reward was when we arrived down on the beach...beautiful, magnificent, blue water and BIG waves. We all parked in one section and they told us we would have a break here before we go back. We thought maybe 15 minutes but they told us 1 hour 45 minutes. We were able to ride up and down the beach and explore every nook and cranny...even found a rock to pee behind !

Added treat was the gray whales were cavorting just off shore mating. Some did full breech jumps up out of the water. Others clustered together and spouted, rolling over and over in the water. I guess a female whale will take as many partners as are available...about time women's lib paid off ! It was beautiful to watch and they were everywhere. We are really anxious now for our visit in a week or so at Scammon's Lagoon out from Guerro Negro...where the mothers who are calving will bring their babies up to the inflatable boats we go out in. many once in a lifetime treats I am getting on this trip.

Did I say we are having a good time ? Good people, well taken care of, lots of socializing and stories to share with each other.

Well we both survived the ATV adventure in one piece and limped back to our motor home to rest up. Surprised we were not more sore this AM...thankful for that as the old body takes a great deal of bumps and grinds on those ATVs. But it is sure fun. We were covered with dust with head to toe...thankfully we had just enough time to shower before we went to a fancy steak dinner at a nearby restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day.

This morning we had an omlet breakfast like I have never seen. Each one of us took a heavy zip lock bag. Open it up, crack 2 or 3 eggs into it...add onion, cheese, bell pepper, bacon, ham, whatever. Let the air out of bag, seal it up. Knead the bag to whip the egg...then they immerse it in boiling water and in about 5 or 6 minutes it is done. Pretty neat and delicious. Not much clean up for a big group and fun in the doing. One of our fellow travelers is state leader for his motorhome group so they have all sorts of fun group ideas like this to share.

Yum...did I say we have been well fed?

More later...tomorrow we start North and will be in La Paz. Have been told we will not have WiFi but at least an internet cafe right at the RV park.

More adventures to come...but hey, everyday is an adventure no matter where you are !


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