Monday, June 21, 2004

June 19 Besieged by Hobart Bay

We headed north from Petersburg this morning leaving at 6 AM. It had been light since 2 AM so I had been up and down sure we had missed our early morning travel window.

We have opted for a relaxed travel pace so our destination for the day was Hobart Bay, 14 milea north of Cape Fanshaw and 6 hours cruising (at 8 knots) from Petersburg.

The morning was textbook perfect with calm glassy water and a very light breeze. As we rounded Cape Fanshaw and neared "Five Fingers" islands we watched closely for the humpback whales we have been told are ALWAYS there. We even followed a whale watch boat for a bit but only had two small sightings and they did not put on much of a "show". Why is it I expect the whales to come out and greet us the way the Tourist Bureau employees greet the cruise ships? Oh well they must be hiding from the brilliant sunshine which we are told is not typical for this area...I will just have to be patient!

Well Hobart Bay is a very small indentation on Entrance Island which you would never know exists were it not for the cruising guide books. The entrance is well hidden and if not for a state maintained 100 foot long floating dock you might not venture to enter. The books all say to get here early if you want to tie up to the dock. We pulled around the corner and were surprised to find the dock unoccupied. we tied up I told Gary...I could stay at a place like this more than just one night. No sooner had I uttered those words than the "flying bugs" decended upon us. It was like "fresh meat" had arrived and we were it!

We haven't moved that fast in a long time...we quickly finished securing our lines and closing ourselves inside the boat. As soon as we whacked and slapped to kill any of the gargantuous (spelling escapes me at the momenta) flies, bees and other flying nasties that had accompanied us inside...then we opened the screened windows to keep from roasting. So much for the gentle dinghy ride we were going to take to explore and so much for the silence that we have since broken with the sounds of our boat generator and air conditioning...Now where did I put that bug repellent I was so careful to bring along but had yet to need?

Tomorrow will be another leg in our passage to Juneau and other sights which await.

Linda & Gary

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