Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Poet's Cove on Pender Island, BC

Well we entered into Canada today, currently at the new marina and resort named "Poet's Cove"...formerly known as "Bedwell". The facilities are very new and deluxe. Enjoyed our first shower in 5 days (just in time) in their beautifully tiled shower rooms. Had intended to try out their hot tub by the pool but the wind is blowing very hard and cold tonight so we will save the hot tub adventure for another time. We walked into their fancy pub and ordered burgers and they did not kick us out...must have been because we had already had those long hot showers and washed ALL our dirty clothes (2 weeks worth!). No, I did not eat a "burger" but just most of the chicken out of a chicken burger.
I am excited to be composing and sending this on something called "PocketMail". We met some new friends in Reid harbor and they introduced me to Pocket Mail and made me a deal on an older pocketmail "machine" they had. I can receive and transmitt over a regular phone and the number is toll free so I am set!

Now the new trick is...if you want to send us e-mail while we are traveling...forget about our Centurytel e-mail address...instead send to us at
(all in lower case)

Everyone in Canada has always made us feel welcome...but we always know we are in another country when we start dealing with their different money and of course metrics. The one dollar coins are called "Loonies" but I cannot remember what they really call the $2 coins...I call them "Toonies" (as in Loonie Toonies)...Heaven help me if I ever refer to them that way in front of a Canadian...Ay???

Metrics are even more fun when we get to figuring diesel...1 litre of diesel is 89 Canadian cents...thank Heaven Gary figured out already that is equivalent to $2.50 US dollars per gallon.
We are looking forward to having our Yacht Club join us here time with good friends. On Friday we will all move to Telegraph Harbor for more fun and socializing...including Bocci Ball on the grass field and late night challenges of "Chicken Foot"(a lively dominos game). We are also going to visit Chemanis and go to a stage play and dinner there.
Well enough for now...hope all is well with everyone else...remember new e-mail address.
Still Old Bro's Old Lady

Local access to Pocketmail mobile
e-mail now available in Europe, North
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