Monday, May 31, 2004

May 29 Chemanis, Vancouver Island, BC

Today we spent the day in the BC city of murals...Chemanis. We walked across Thetis Island this morning to catch a very small inter-island has a capacity for just 10 or 12 vehicles and runs several times a day.
Once in Chemanis we walked "uptown" and had breakfast at a little cafe we had visited last fall. The weather was a bit iffy but the community still had their horse drawn carriages out to take people on city tours of the murals which depict the heritage and history of the community. They have done an excellent job of creating a fun destination out of a community that was previously based on logging,milling wood products and commercial fishing (what a prime example of what Port Angeles could become if the shakers and movers could all get on the same page).
We met the rest of our boating group to attend an excellent play at the Chemanius playhouse and then we enjoyed dinner together before reboarding the ferry for a return trip. After a full day of walking that final walk from the ferry to the marina seemed to last forever.
Boy did we sleep good that night!
aka Old Bro's Old Lady

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