Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Potential Power of Networking

I have all kinds of ideas on possible sources for items to take to Vietnam but need to exercise the power of networking.

The Vietnamese love hats and T-shirts, especially ones that have names of destinations, events, etc. on them...nothing political. I remember when I was on the "board" for the Port Townsend Marathon Association that we always had shirts left over after the event. They were always the very small sizes and they usually ended up sitting on a shelf. The shirt symbolized that you had completed the event so you could not just give them away. The sizes would have been perfect and it would not have hurt to have them "donated" to an orphanage in a foreign country. Does this get you thinking of any possible sources for such a donation??? let me know if it does.

They tell us that medical supplies are readily available in Vietnam so we can just walk into a store and purchase them with any available funds and do not need to try to "hand carry" them from the US. Actually they say they are cheaper there.

If you hear or know of anyone else with surpluses of multiple clothing items or other appropriate supplies and a very large passionate heart, I would sure like to know about it.

Thanks in advance for any powerful networking you can put into action.

Again for anyone interested in knowing more about our trip and the group we are going with their website is


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