Friday, February 11, 2005

A Special Valentine

To me a "valentine" is an expression of love.

Well my dear husband gave me a valentine today and he does not even know it.

It came about this morning as we were discussing what topics might come up during our "interview" with the local reporter. Gary was sure the article was going to be a valentine feature and he asked me, "What are you going to say if she wants to know why we have stayed married for all these years (37 this year)?"

In my joking way I said "Well, remember, to begin with we could not afford a divorce..." And then I realized he was asking a serious question so I turned the question back on him..."What would you say?" (here comes my special valentine without him knowing)
He said, the biggest thing was that we were friends first and lovers second and it has always been that way...but then he said that most of all it has been the "trust". Not just trusting that the other would be faithful but overall trust throughout all aspects of our lives together.
WOW, for a guy who normally does not express his feelings in words, he sure did a great job with that. Better than roses or diamonds!!!

So there he sits now, snoring loudly as he snoozes in his easy chair, zoned out on his evening pain pills, oblivious to the smile on my face as I recall the special valentine I got today. I hope all the couples out there are as fortunate in their relationships and exchange of "valentines" as the special day approaches. Treasure the special moments and try to make every moment special!

Now if I could just find the leather clad, biker bear I bought him a few months back as a valentine's's hidden somewhere really safe where he won't find it...problem is I can't find it either.

And yes, we are still waiting for the steroids to kick in and kick his back pain. He said he still hurt today but in a "different way". We went to Salem for a second Hepititas vaccination and stopped at Costco. On his tolerance scale walking around for about 10 minutes there, I would say he is a little better...or he was just really interested in what he was looking at!

Still Old Bro's Old Lady,


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