Thursday, February 17, 2005

So how is Gary's Back?

Gary will be visiting his "rehabilitation doctor" again tomorrow. This is the doctor who did his back injection last Thursday. The results of the injection have been much less than spectacular.

There have been some minor signs of improvement but he is still in a lot of pain. However, he has been a bit more mobile and when the physical therapist worked with him this week, Gary said it was not as painful as in the past. He is standing a bit straighter but is very limited on the length of time he can be up and about (always with either his walker or European crutches) before the pain is again excruciating.

He is hoping to persuade the rehab doctor to try to find an appointment time to do another injection before we go on our trip...she normally does them only on Tuesday and even last Thursday was "by special arrangement" to find the time available in the short stay lab.

One tiny unexplained "miracle" we saw this morning was that he is able to move his right foot. That foot has in the past been totally limp ("drop foot" they call it) and he can now flex it ever so slightly for the first time in maybe 10 or 15 years!


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