Monday, August 22, 2005

August 22 Stockertown at last

Yesterday we moved from Pine Hill (North of Allentown) to Evergreen Lake Camping (North of Easton and North of Stockertown). It is a nice place to stay with a beautiful lake...however the campground area is very dense trees. We had to park the trailer in a separate area and then go to our campsite and negotiate a number of trees to get us parked. The area is very large and has lots of long term tenants. They keep it quiet and clean though. I like the rules about no yard lights after 11 pm...some of the previous ones we have been at people thought it was neat to have multi colored porch lights blaring all night. This is more like being out in the woods.

Here we have full hook-ups (water, sewer and 30 amp electric) plus cable TV. No internet but it does get me to bed earlier at night when I cannot "get lost" in cyber space on the internet. Right now we are at the Easton library using their internet connection. They have a special room with all the older books like I need for Stocker research in there. The attendant goes to lunch 12 to 1...we arrived at 11:45 of course so it gives me some comuter time...right now. Still want to find a plat map book to purchase so I can find the location of the old Stocker homesteads from mid 1700s. Lots of fun.

More later, for now know we are well and rested and enjoying our little piece of back road history. We even found the Forks church and cemetery this morning where our ancestors are buried. Did not take time to scope out individual stones yet, just enjoyed the beautiful setting atop a knoll with a beautiful white gazebo.

The past few days when we were touring in the motorcycle, Gary would announce everytime we got to another cemetery. There are lots of them around here to be seen. It was like "we are not lost if there is a cemetery here"...LOL.

More later,



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