Thursday, August 25, 2005

August 25 Stockertown touring and finally not getting lost

Well we have been here enough days now to finally get used to the back roads and do a much better job at NOT getting lost. However we were out "after dark" (heaven forbid) a couple nights ago and really made it interesting finding all the unmarked turns in the dark...but obviously we made it.

However, now that we are not getting lost, Gary has fewer opportunities to announce "There's ANOTHER cemetery !" as he was getting used to doing the past few days. The other day we were biding our time at the Forks Cemetery where so many Stockers are buried. Laying on the grass in the shade of a tree and I decided to call daughter Cindy on my cell phone. Of course she wanted to know where we were (or as she always says "Where in the world are my parents now ???") and so I told her laying on the grass in a cemetery...inquisitive daughter says "Why ???" so I responded...we could not afford a plot !

So what we had been biding our time and waiting for was the weekly practice session for the Celtic United Pipes and Drums. They practice in the community hall, behind the Stockertown fire hall at 7 pm. I don't know why I thought they would just march in wearing kilts and give us a full performance but that is not what happened. It seems the band just formed last November and has lots of students working on their skills to be able to fully perform with the more experienced and talented members of the group. Anyway we learned a lot about how a bagpiper trains. They play and practice first on a small flute like instrument and there was a group of three working on that in one side of the room.

Sitting on the other side were the drummers in training. Now Gary used to be a drummer in a marching band so this was not new to him...but it was to me. They sat with their drum sticks and tapped out tunes or at least rhythms on the wooden table in front of them. It was fascinating to watch and to listen to. Also the instructor was having to give the younger members a lecture on the need to practice regularly to build up their talent and skill level.

Finally a more advanced bagpiper arrived and was practicing outside the meeting hall...still no kilts to be seen (sorry Barbara Slama)...but we got the enjoyment of the sound nonetheless as we finally scurried to our bike and headed back in the dusk (and soon darkness) to our campsite.

Yesterday we searched out our "heritage" at a Honda shop (LOL = Laughing Out Loud) in nearby "WindGap". No relatives there, but it was time for an oil change. As usual, they really saw us coming. Once they see the sidecar they kind of double the labor charge for the extra trouble of working around it...whether actual or only perceived they charge extra anyway. Oh well, it is worth it !

Lots of e-mail to check over today as it had been several days since I had access. Our campground said they had internet but they only had a phone line you could use for dial-up...I am at a library in Nazareth (East of Stockertown) right now and this is working out well using their connection.

Tomorrow night we will have an informal dinner with some of the other out of town Stockers. The actual reunion is on Saturday at the beautiful church (rough hewn stone construction with stained glass windows) adjacent to the "Forks" cemetery which was originally known as Stocker cemetery. The acre the church and cemetery are on were originally donated by our ancestor Andrew/Andreas Stocker in the late 1700's when he laid out the original townsite for Stockertown.

Lots of interesting family stories with more new ones to be discovered. I now plan on putting together a Stocker genealogy booklet (The Oregon Stockers) to share these with others in the family and encourage them to share more stories and pictures with me to expand the already growing collection.

Best wishes to all, take care and keep in touch,


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Linda and everyone.

Hope you all got there okay and are
having a great time. I am back in
Roanoke in a bunch of rain. We
should get alot of the hurricane.
Did all the FL people make it up ok?

Give everyone my love and wish I was there to see the ones I met
last time and meet the new ones.

Have a ball and take lots of pictures. Tell Susie to make doubles and I will pay her for them.


Judy Feierabend


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