Thursday, November 24, 2005

Counting Our Blessings on Thanksgiving

Today was special as we had our daughter, son-in-law and the grandkids here. They arrived late last night and first event this morning was Grandpa making pancakes for the kids. He had fun and the kids seemed to enjoy this treat. We spent the day visiting, previewing the sale ads for tomorrow and doing some diagnostic work on my desk top computer which had slowed to a snail's pace. I feel very fortunate to have both daughter and son-in-law that have a better handle on technology than I do. They were a big help.

Cindy had baked chocolate cupcakes for the kids to decorate with frosting and candies to make turkey table ornaments. They each showed their artistic creativity in the end product. Then Grandpa had joined in with the grandkids painting frosting onto gingerbread men. I think they got as much frosting on the gingerbread men as they did on their faces, hands and the table. It was for certain by the end of the day that everyone had received an ample dose of sugar.

The biggest treat for me was that when Cindy and Mike left, they went home with one fewer kid. We had planned ahead of time with Cindy that we would keep 5 year old Jenna for a few more nights and take her home Sunday or Monday. By the end of the day, the kids had gotten into a bit of a rowdy state of affairs and Gary was exhausted and beginning to have second thoughts. We finally kept her on the basis of...take her home if it becomes more than we can handle.

Well, as I write this...Jenna is sitting with Gary watching a James Bond movie ! She had a bit of a nap on the couch earlier and now seems to have a second wind. In much as her 3 year old brother and her pick back and forth at each other...she just asked Gary "Are you missing Wilson, Grandpa?" He laughed but when I asked her if she was missing Wilson (Gary's name for her brother Matthew)...she replied "YES". What a sweetie...then she told Grandpa "I love you grandpa !" It's got to be enough to melt his does mine and I am so glad we will have some special time with her.

A big thank you to daughter Cindy for raising such fine children and also for trusting us with them from time to time...even if we are a bit weird occasionally.

We are truly very blessed on this day of Thanksgiving. I hope that the good Lord will keep us healthy enough to continue to share blessings with others as I have found such fulfillment in it lately.

Blessings to all,
Linda & Gary


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