Sunday, January 15, 2006

January 14 2005 A "Big Storm" in California

I think this entire trip will be a matter of perspectives. The past three days the San Diego weather forecasters have been telling of a pending “big” storm that was due to arrive today. They even predicted its arrival down to the exact hour. So here we are and yes, it is raining and yes, the wind is blowing but by Oregon coast standards this would just be another normal day…not one deserving of dire news broadcasts. Everyone has been carrying umbrellas all morning and I just spotted a large dog in a doggie raincoat. Haven’t they heard of “running between the drops” like we Oregonians are used to doing? In Oregon you would not try to use an umbrella…unless you were a wuss or maybe someone from California! Like I said a matter of perspective and I know this is just the beginning.

We are having a quiet few days still here at the South Carlsbad State Park. This morning the surfers were out en masse enjoying the wave surge from the “big storm”. They were having fun and we enjoyed watching them. My favorite critter of the morning remains the pelicans. Previously I have only seen them sitting or standing but not flying. Here they fly round and round the beach area in flocks and skim across the water in search of a quick snack. Seems they enjoy “dive bombing” the surfers who just ignore them.

My favorite critter yesterday was the small chipmunk who was trying to drag off a full, sealed bag of chips that one camper had left out at their campsite. This little guy had high hopes of getting that big bag hid away before the campers could return. Some campers just have to learn the hard way not to leave things out.


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