Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Compliment and A Reminder

Today I received a very nice compliment from a member of our Thursday group. She has seen me many times at our group meetings but until today had not put me together with an image she remembers from meeting me about 3 years ago (about the time of picture on the left) when Gary and I were working with them on Whale Watch duty. When she finally realized I was "Gary Stocker's wife" she had met before she was shocked at the change. She also commented on how she remembered how much trouble I had walking as the "old me".

It was a nice compliment but it reminded me of how much better off and thankful I am to now be a smaller person and the importance of maintaining my accomplishment and my new healthier status.

I have let myself slowly slip about 15 pounds and that is not good. I need to get "the holidays" off my waist and get back to working on loosing a few more pounds. I am within 40 pounds of my goal to be "half the woman I was" and would like to eventually arrive there.

So I guess that will be my new New Years Resolution...not just more weight loss but to take better care of myself and maintain my health. I guess that means I should start getting to bed earlier at night too. Oh well...nite, nite



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