Sunday, January 01, 2006

Reach Out As You Greet The New Year

As we enter a new year I cannot help but think of and worry about a man I have never met. Although I have only seen him from a distance, I feel very deeply for him. You see there is a cemetery we drive by on our way to Salem.

Right after Thanksgiving we drove by and I spotted this elderly man by a newly dug grave covered with a mound of fresh flowers. His car was parked nearby but he sat beside the grave in a fold up aluminum lawn chair.

I am sure the grave was that of his long time spouse...and it struck me that his whole life was probably right there. How sad...they probably had spent every hour together for years and now that she is gone he has no where to one to be with.

We drove by again when we went to Vancouver on the morning of Christmas Eve. I was not surprised to see him there in the rain standing by the grave, rocking from one foot to the other as though he was carrying on a difficult conversation with his dear departed one.

Reach out to those around you and appreciate them while you have them...also think about those widowed neighbors and any way that you can make their days a bit brighter. Some day we will all be there and needing that same hug or a smile or a friend. Give till it hurts...but it won't will feel good !

Happy new year to all...and thanks for listening.



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