Friday, December 30, 2005

A blessed Christmas

This Christmas was a very blessed one for us. Our favorite "gifts" this Christmas were not the typical material ones...and include the following:
  • Having good health this Christmas season.
  • Being together with daughter Cindy, son-in-law Mike, and our three grandkids.
  • Being very proud of our daughter Cindy and the healthy lifestyle she has chosen for her family.
  • Knowing that Cindy spent many, many, many loving hours on a wonderful cross stitch she is doing for us (not quite done yet). It is of an eagle in front of the American flag and is gorgeous.
  • Having grandkids that appreciated the gifts I had made for them...3 year old Matthew aka Wilson rolling on the floor to check out the feel of his new "gramma blanket" was precious.
  • Knowing Cindy and her family is so supportive of our veteran's causes that they saved quarters and dimes for several months to save up $110 and sponsor a wheel chair for disabled Vietnamese children.
  • Having friends and family sponsor to date a total of 13 wheel chairs for disabled Vietnamese children (they still need more !)
  • Having a number of friends who are working on knitting & crocheting leprosy bandages for the leprosy villages in Vietnam.
  • Having good neighbors who watch our home while we are "on the road" exploring from time to time (thank you Barbara !)
  • The ability to be involved in the personal effects program of TOP (Tour of Peace) Vietnam Veterans. In just 2 months, we have already been able to match up and help in the reunion of nearly 40 dog tags with the families of the veterans who wore them while serving our country in Vietnam.
  • Having Cindy helping us with the dog tag project.
  • Having a group of great friends and family who read our blog and keep up on our activities.
  • It goes on and on but we are finding more and more how little the material things matter.

Hope you all are equally blessed during this holiday season and also the year to come !

Thanks for caring enough to check us out and follow our adventures here.


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