Thursday, February 16, 2006

February 16 La Paz

The drive today was just over 100 miles but along the way we stopped off at the quaint village of Todos Santos. It was very small and so we had to park our motorhomes out on the highway and car pool into town in smaller rigs. Lots of open shops and vendors lining the streets. The art galleries were beautiful and everything was very rustic as they were replacing an electrical transformer in the street in front of the galleries. Viewing items by daylight with no electricity left more to the imagination...but hey...its the adventure we are looking for.

I ventured into a jewelry shop and found the special necklace and earrings I was seeking for myself. Price was reasonable for hand crafted item and so I indulged myself. Found a couple cute gifts for the grand daughters and watched Gary play with Mexican musical instruments in a fruitless search for the perfect noise maker for grandson, Matthew aka Wilson.

Watched a mexican lady weaving a hammock in an alley. Lots of hard work goes into things like that and it was fun to watch. One of our trip participants is into weaving butterflies to applique onto clothing and will teach us all tomorrow evening...I love learning new things like that.

A quiet restful evening and then a La Paz city bus tour tomorrow and special dinner tomorrow night.

Hasta Manana,


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