Wednesday, January 25, 2006

January25 - Still enjoying Bahai de Los Angeles

I had hoped to download some pictures to this site today and I have them saved on my "flash drive" but the connection here is a "soft satellite" which they tell me means sometimes it hits the signal and sometimes I does not. As remote as we are I guess I should be glad to be able to send words and also view internet.

We made our visit to the turtle research center and enjoyed viewing the various varieties of turtles they have being raised there. They then release them with GPS navigational satellite signal equipment on them and track their migration. They had one in particular that was later captured in China. Another in Japan and some just disappear in mid pacific when they are caught by fishermen...unintentionally.

Yesterday morning I went out on a 12' wooden power boat with three others of our group on an early morning sight seeing trip. They launched the boat at 6Am in the dark and off we beat the winds but yet go on what they called an "eco-tour". Saw lots of birds, a few whales, seals floating on the water in groups (fins out resting), and lots more birds. The pelicans here are awesome...yes, I have pictures and had planned to post but you will have to wait. The birds that we saw and no one would believe us...thought it was a joke but they are called "Blue Footed Boobies"...yes, the feet are a bright blue and quite a sight to see....however they were so far away on the rocky ledges that I do not even have pictures to do it justice. Anyway, I had a great time. Gary stayed behind...said he did not want to go unless he could go's a guy thing!

Others went out on similar boats both yesterday and today to go fishing. We cruised by and sat beside them and watched as they hauled in one fish after another. Many too small to keep but enough keepers that we are having a "potluck" fish fry tonight. Yum, I love fish. Hate to clean or cook them but like to catch them and eat them.

The weather has been mild...gets down to 45 or so at night and probably about 80 for a short time during day before the wind really starts blowing and it cools down fast. I went to our 4pm social yesterday with a stocking cap on and everyone was one else packed for colder weather...I had it in the motorhome from using at home.

Tomorrow we move again to a town called Guerreo Negro and cross a border inspection into their southern "state". We are told to expect to have food items taken away from us...eating up all fresh fruit or vegetables...sometimes they take those...other times they have asked for chocolate and money. We have to remember we are in another country and a third world one at that. Glad to be in a group when it comes to this type of thing. Water here is not drinkable. Using it in tanks for shower, wash dishes, etc. but buying bottled water to drink. We just do not know how lucky we are in USA.

Take care everyone, I will continue to check in.

Mi Yama is Linda


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