Saturday, January 28, 2006

January 28 (I think) SATURDAY

We are here in a small town I think is called Santa Rosalia. Will be here two nights. It is the nicest RV park we have had in Mexico. Actually have power, water and sewer. Of course the Mexican water is not drinkable for us sensitive ¨Gringos¨ so we have bottled water to drink but run their water faucet water thru a filter, add a bit of clorox for good measure and then use it for shower, dish washing, etc.

We had a real treat yesterday upon arrival when a young man came around offering to wash the car and motor home...$5 for the car and $20 for the motor home and we really got our money worth. The young man is grandson to the man who owns the RV park. English for his name is George and he is a senior in high school. He is saving up money to go to medical school and become a plastic surgeon. Smart kid...he has a brother who is already a lawyer. When Gary was ready to pay him...he would not take the money but wanted Gary to pay his grandfather...obviously he is the kid´s banker and makes sure the money gets into his college savings account. The Mexicans really know how to work and are very happy and gracious people. We have been walking the main street of this little town this AM and greeting the people with Buenas Dias or Ola (spelling probably wrong)...even have Gary saying a few Spanish greetings. Big smiles and lots of pictures to take.

Stopped in a famous church here...built by the same man who did the Eifel tower in Paris...anyway the church is a working church...well used. Stepped inside to find a group of school kids gathered around a teacher practicing songs...doing very well...probably preparing for services tomorrow. I could have sat there all day...loved it. Several men were outside meticulously sweeping the sidewalk and street out front...they are very proud of their town and take care of it.

We stopped in to a cafe to check cause I saw a pizza sign and Gary was interested. It is only 11 AM and they do not serve pizza till we will go back. Gary used their bathroom as they are few and far apart around here...we had coffee and they would not let us pay...said when we come back for pizza we can pay then. Smart people !

Stopped and held the hand of a half blind lady sitting along the street. She let me take her picture but when I tried to show it to her (in the camera viewer), she pointed to her eyes and said she could not see...reminded me of a special old man I met in a care center in Vietnam.

We are resting well, Gary slept 12 hours last night and even then I had to urge him out of bed. Our drive yesterday while it was only 127 miles was VERY stressful. Very steep, very curvy mountainous roads with semi trucks traveling the opposite direction and other vehicles passing you also. There were some areas when the semis were so close to you width wise, you just have to stop and let them inch their way past. Some coaches had literally 2 to 3 inch lost a mirror the previous day. There is no way to pull off the side or onto a shoulder as there is just drops right off and would roll the coach if you got off the side...pretty scary but the other coaches call out on the CB to tell you when the semis are coming and we all work together on it.

What an adventure...we are truely enjoying every minute. More reports to come...Gary has wandered on down the street in search of a good vantage point to sit and watch the locals. They are pretty considerate when they see him on his crutches...his legs lately do not allow him to go more than the length of the coach without the crutches to rely on.

Take care...we will report more later. The weather is mid 70s during the day and drops into 40s at night.



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