Monday, January 23, 2006

January 23 - Mexican Internet Cafe

Here I sit in a very remote little town with very limited resources for themselves or their visitors. It has only been just recently that they paved the road leading out to this beautiful town on the Sea of Cortez, that and the Pemex diesel station we found yesterday are important parts to getting the tourists to come visit.

Also important is what I am using right now...internet cafe. There are about 10 computers along the wall, well equipped and hooked up to a printer. Cost for my time on their computer is a bargain of 15 pesos or$1.50 US for up to 30 minutes and 25 pesos or 2.50 US for an hour. Quite a bargain and working quite well. Thank heavens for the standard format of windows, word, google, etc. as it is all in Spanish but I am doing fine negotiating my way. I brought over my blog posts for 21st and 22nd on a "flash drive" (thank you Cindy & Mike, I am definitely using this Christmas present) and then opened and cut and pasted into blog. Not being much of a geek myself, I was half afraid that when I opened my English word documents on this Spanish speaking machine they would poof convert to Spanish...thank heaven they did not or your would all need a Spanish-English dictionary to read them.

We were exhausted last night, Gary went to bed at 7PM and I did at 8PM...we slept like babies till 8AM this morning. Cute to hear that all the other couples were equally exhausted but now well rested. We visited the turtle research center earlier and enjoyed hearing about their studies of turtle migration...they have raised them there in tanks...tagged them with GPS and tracked them all the way to China. Quite interesting.

Tonight we have a social at 4PM, dinner 5:30 then probably another early to bed. Tomorrow 6Am, I will be on the dock out front with about 11 others to take a boat trip out around the peninsula we are on...seeing the sights, turtles, whales, dolphin and the likes. Gary is not interested unless he can go diving...the wind has been blowing like a hurricane and I did not encourage him to seek out a diving trip here rather wait until we are someplace more protected. It has been quite awhile since either of us has been diving so I did not feel like an open ocean intro was the way to "work back into it".

Hope all is well at home. Send e-mail as I should be able to access it pretty well. We are here for another three days before we move on.

Nuff for now.
Hasta manana


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