Saturday, October 14, 2006

A "Bandage Blog"???

Why in the world would Linda take on another blog when her postings here have been a bit sparce lately?
Well most people know not to be surprised by me...check out the new "bandage blog" at
Our little growing circle of volunteers working on leprosy bandages for Vietnam had grown so much that we really needed a "forum" of sorts to promote the momentum and celebrate the success stories.
I am hoping once you check out that site that you will become a frequent visitor there and perhaps even find some #10 crochet thread in your hands while you accept the challenge to knit or crochet leprosy bandages for the cause.
Beyond that my activities as "Personal Effects Coordinator" of TOP keeps me pretty busy researching, finding families, writing letters to notify them of our find and fielding phone calls with the veterans and their families.
I continue to feel so blessed to be able to participate in these worthwhile activities.
Life is good...God is good to us!


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