Sunday, October 22, 2006

Company While Camping at Fort Stevens State Park

The past few weeks we spent some time at Oregon State Parks using Gary's disabled veteran's pass. We spent one week at Nehalem Bay State Park and then went north to spend another week at Fort Stevens...just south of Astoria.

This picture is of some of the visitors we had while we were there.

They were not timid at all and were right there as soon as we started roasting hot dogs. Anything that hit the ground they were right there to scoop it up no matter how close they got to you.

It eventually got a bit scary when they started hissing and fighting with each other as there was not enough food to go around. Mike and Cindy (and the three kids) were also visiting with us and it was entertaining to watch my brave daughter Cindy, move higher and higher up on the picnic table out of her fear of the racoons!


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