Thursday, January 11, 2007

It NEVER snows on the Oregon Coast !?!?!?

These are a few shots of the sights around the outside of our house this morning. Very unusual weather...I have always wanted to see snow on the sand of the beach and I saw it today.
Not all of it melted today and tonight it is going to do a hard freeze so tomorrow AM should be really interesting.
Thank goodness we have no where we have to go so we will be just fine, content to watch it from inside if need be.
If you have never been to our house, it is just 1200 sq feet on a very small lot. The metal railing you see is in the back yard and beyond it is three small fish ponds...covered in snow but pretty in the summer. The picture of Gary in the street is out in front of the house.
Check out the dog pictures in the next post...our little Misty sure had fun and made a mess of herself.


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