Thursday, October 26, 2006

Misty = the disappearing dog!

Yesterday morning I was on a late track heading out the door to my water aerobics class when I realized I did not know where the dog is. Now for those of you who have had know it is like a toddler...if they disappear and you cannot even hear better go see what they have gotten into.

Well I called out her name and both Gary and I started looking under the couch, behind the chair, under the tables, in the corners, all the little places she has hung out in dog to be found! The more we looked, the more concerned we dog...had either of us been out in the garage or outside??? No...then she has to be somewhere in the house.

Behind the toilet, in the cupboards, again under the couch...on and on...still no dog. Finally in the bedroom...I smelled something...the telltale sign of "pooh" but still no dog. Finally I spotted the fact that on each side of our platform bed there is a small slit between the attached chest of drawers on either side and the platform with drawers in it. No way could she have gotten into there...but yes, I could now tell that was where the smell was "emanating" from.

Gary got a flashlight and I shined it in one side...yep, finally a little furry face greeted me but no way was she coming out. As I pondered what seemed like an insurmountable challenge, mechanical Gary just started pulling out the drawers. There she sat in the middle of her new found "den" with a couple little treasures around her. Finally I was able to reach far enough in to "snag" her and pull her out. Retrieving her "treasures" was more of a "treat" but trust got done!

Well, I missed my water aerobics yesterday but instead had an eductational exercise in never underestimating the powers of a puppy!

P. S. Yes, the access points are now blocked...but I am sure she will still invent something new we have not thought of.


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