Sunday, October 22, 2006

Meet our new baby: Misty Mae Stocker

It was time for a little furry one at our house...Misty is a 5 month old Lhasa Apso. We purchased her from a breeder in Grants Pass. She drove up and met me in Salem on Friday to deliver the package.
We are very pleased to acquire her at an age where she is beyond the puppy separation anxiety and ready to be a loving companion to us.

Our past Yorkshire Terriers were so very small and delicate. Misty is small...only 5 lbs now but will be 10 to 12 lbs full grown and is built much "sturdier" than the Yorkies were. The Lhasa Apsos were raised to be guard dogs in Tibet. Their feet are enormous (i.e. snow shoe size) as they had to be able to walk on the snow. They will bark but only to warn of danger and only then until they know you are aware of the issue. We have heard Misty bark just once so far...

The first hour I had her I had her happy in a kennel box...usually they have to be trained to go in them. Also she had never been on a leash and you can see Gary here walking her on a leash...or is she walking him...not quite sure.

Will post another couple pictures of her more up close and very relaxed in her kennel box.
Next step will be a sidecar ride but we have not done it yet. She may appreciate her heavy coat of fur (or is it hair) to keep her warm on those rides but I am sure she will take to it fine. She is very calm and accepting of everything...she is definitely a "keeper".


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