Thursday, April 29, 2004

Update on Launch and Fine Tuning

Well we were ready Monday morning bright and early for the big haul down to the boat harbor. I had always been working at the bank on the previous launch dates so this was a new experience for me. Gary had practice and learned alot by trial and error.

First step was getting the boat out of the warehouse. It is such a tight fit that we have to have a forklift pull it out. Gary has engineered a special hitch that goes on the tines of the forklift that makes it safe and secure. I had the fun of riding on top of the boat going out of the warehouse door telling them when the raise and lower the tongue to get the radar dome and roof rails to clear...just barely.

The ride down the hill with the tug "chasing us" was very smooth thanks to the perfectly engineered trailer Gary built for it and the magic break button that he held in his hand and tapped as needed.
Our only issue once we set the boat in the water was air in the fuel lines that had to be bled before we could take her out on her first spin around the harbor.

We are now tied to one of the commercial "working docks" right along Marine Drive and get to watch all the activity as the boats are hauled and launched. That is in between all the work we have been doing on the boat. Major accomplishment has been the installation of our new Sea Wise boat lift system. It is like the Weaver davits everyone uses but supports the boat better as it braces off the rigid floor of the tender. It has a crank that you use to pull the boat up on its side and the outboard swings up as well and rotates onto an upright stand on the swim step. We are still doing some fine-tuning on some of the nuts and bolts of it but once we are done it will be just what we needed and really simplify our cruising.

Yesterday was our big work day on the Sea Wise system. There are a number of bolts that had to be used to attach it all to the swim step. With the enclosed swim step this involved someone getting down inside the boat and up into the swim step to affix backing plates, washers, nuts, etc. This is in a very small space already occupied by fuel filters, water makers, diesel heaters, floscans, steering mechanisms (don't lean on the small thin bar or we are in trouble), thru hulls, etc, etc. Last year I would not have even thought of trying this, but this year I was surprised to find that I now fit. Flexibility was an issue but it is getting better. Once I got down there I told Gary I was not coming up until they were ALL done. Well I am paying for it today with lots of aches and pains...Tylenol is my drug of choice and it seems to be getting better.

Whahoo was my yell as I streaked by Gary after finally getting our new 10' Avon with 15 hp Honda outboard "on plane". Boy that was fun today when I took my first solo run around in the harbor. If not for Gary waiting on the dock I could have stayed out there all day. I don't know how fast I was going...but it was a real thrill ! I know we are both going to have fun with it this summer.

This afternoon Gary is waiting for an electrician to come down to the boat and work on rewiring a pump in the back lazarette of the boat. I could have reached it but did not have the technical knowledge to be able to tackle it. We are getting better at hiring things done when appropriate.

Expect we will take the boat out again in the next day or so to check out more of the systems before we head out on an overnight trip and some localized cruising. We have dental appointments on the 5th and 6th in Port Angeles so that keeps us close to here for a while longer. Other than that out next firm date is to meet our yacht club members in Poet's Cove (Bedwell) on May 27th.

Greetings to anyone checking this out to see what crazy things we are up to.

Take care and enjoy this nice weather.


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