Thursday, May 13, 2004

Can't break away from the chimes...

We are having so much fun relaxing here at Roche Harbor that it is difficult to pull away. Every three hours they play the beautiful Clarion Chimes in the church tower above the harbor and my heart "melts" what a beautiful spot! Such a new experience for us to have lots of time and lots of choices of relaxing things to do.

Yesterday we took a walking tour of the art exhibits in the new art institute located here. They are like the "Art on the Town" exhibits around the streets of Port Angeles but these are in a field and adjoining forest just about 4 blocks from here. You wander around and enjoy them. Such items as beautiful bronze sculptures and limestone statues to whimsical welded metal creations. It was a good experience but we were ready to "just sit" when we got back to the boat.

Very nice facilities here...nice people as well...Gary has done a good job of staying out of the concrete that they have still been pouring to all hours of the evening. Will be a treat to come back next year and see the end results of all the hard work.

Expect to wander over to Anacortes tomorrow...unless the current takes us I know the true definition of Gary's line..."Every day is Saturday!"

Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

Still Old Bro's Old Lady


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