Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A sunny day in Paradise and he's watching them pour concrete???

Surprise...we had expected to head to the State Park at Sucia Island...but we never make firm plans and met some nice people who were headed to Roche Harbor.

So here we are in Roche Harbor...and the sun is shining. Summer rates here are normally 1.25 per foot (that's $40 per night for our boat) and we knew they were on winter rates. Expected it to be $1 per foot and were blown away to find out it was only 65 cents a foot...WOW that will be two nights then!

That was right after we had heard the noon playing of the Clarion Bells at the beautiful white church on the hill side. What a beautiful setting plus we just had a wonderful lunch of cod fish & chips on a deck overlooking the harbor. Add to that a sunny day in May and we have our current personal definition of "Paradise".

Now to the part about what Gary is doing at the moment that I am typing this in. Well, they are on a major push here to get things done and spruced up for their summer opening this coming weekend. Outside the historic hotel lobby that I am sitting in they are putting in a new patio with walkways and pouring concrete. We had already walked a portion of the grounds so Gary is very happy to be sitting on a shady bench outside watching them pour concrete walkways. Hard work does not bother us a bit lately...we can watch it all day!!!

I have been very happy to see my dear husband learn how to really kick back and relax with a good book. We are enjoying our boat and the new comforts of home that we added this past year. If anyone is even considering a new custom mattress for their boat or motorhome, we would highly recommend the product by Heartland out of California. Awesome!!!

Well time to go watch 'em pour concrete...or wander off to new discoveries elsewhere in the area...now where was that gift shop???

Old Bro's Old Lady...Linda


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