Friday, May 07, 2004

Can We Leave Yet?

Finally, our VHF radio returned from being repaired at the factory in California. We have stayed busy in the interim but waiting is not our strongest point. At the moment, Gary is reinstalling it into the boat and I hope to hear it working A-OK when I get back.

We have worked this week on some finetuning of our weight...the weight of the boat that is. The factory had added sand bags in the bilge to properly balance out the boat without all the personal gear we have aboard now. Also now that we had added the new tender and 15 hp outboard on the back swimstep, the extra weight of the sandbags was no longer needed.

I was able to reach the bags but did not have the upper body strength to remove them from the bottom of the lazarette in the back of the boat. We finally had to call on a good friend, Scott Michaelis, who had offered help several times. Not sure he knew what he was getting into but he was willing. The mission was accomplished but I felt bad when I saw how badly his arms got scratched up from the "ny-ties" down below. It seems everything is secured with them and once they are trimmed off they are very scratchy (I can attest to that from personal experience as well).

Since we took weight off the boat now I decided I can put some additional groceries on board and just got through carrying the last of them down the steep ramp to the boat. Seems like we always pick the lowest tide of the year to load things on the boat!!! Go figure!!!

Still waiting for an extra prop for the outboard to arrive...but it is not expected until Tuesday so we may shove off before then and have friends bring it along when they leave later this month.

Yesterday was Gary's birthday and our anniversary. It was a quiet day doing laundry and other exciting tasks. The only thing I could think of "special" for Gary's birthday was dinner out. He has been very cooperative about my revised eating habits and restraints so I decided perhaps the ultimate was in order. Earlier in the week our dentist had asked Gary what food he missed the most...and then reported to me what Gary's answer had was a resounding PIZZA. So we went down to a special, recommended spot in Sequim to have our first pizza in 9 months. I did not get beyond two pieces but Gary was enjoying least it looked that way when he hit the Tums bottle later that evening.

Well if the weather cooperates we may cast off this weekend.

Nuff for now...still Old Bro's Old Lady


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