Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Big Thank You to our Anonymous Informant

A few weeks back someone out there in our group of friends sent a letter to the Lincoln City News Guard and as a result a reporter called us and requested to do a "feature article". That article came out in the newspaper yesterday and the reporter did an excellent job on it.
You can read the article at:
As a result, this article already has generated a lot of interest in us and our upcoming trip to Vietnam.

Since the informant remains anonymous, I will have to extend my big thank you right here. The entire experience has been a positive one and hopefully it may generate some participation by others, if not in this one project then in others, for the benefit of those less fortunate than we are. Some times people just need some ideas of humanitarian ways in which they can direct their efforts.

My efforts the past couple of days have been directed to uniformly folding, stacking and compressing the clothing we obtained to take over to our humanitarian destinations. We (my daughter, friend Juel and myself) did an awesome job of getting some fine quality items to send over. Cindy also sorted through excess clothing items her kids no longer needed. I could swear, she must have torn some of them off their backs, but I am sure they will remain adequately clothed and it also aided Cindy's charitable spirit in the process. I am not sure we will get everything into our baggage allowance but am going to make a try and see where we end up. If we have to pay for an excess bag, it will not be as bad as having to leave any of these items behind knowing that they are so needed over there.

Finally, after Gary's second spinal injection yesterday (this time in the lumbar region), I believe he has some improvement. He seems to be moving around a little better, I am sure after being nearly immobile for so long that it will take awhile to "rebound". He goes back to the "rehab" doctor in McMinnville tomorrow to recheck his progress. I usually sit in on those visits but will miss this one as I am driving to Shelton for a doctor's appointment of my own. Life never gets boring!

Thanks for your support!


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