Monday, March 07, 2005

Use of Pocket Mail to Post on Blogger

Anyone watch the ABC reality show "How'd They Do That"...well here is
the secret to my blog posts on the road. A system I discovered last
summer when we were cruising.

I have pocketmail service along with a device like a PDA that I enter
e-Mail onto and then call a toll free number to send the e-mail. Well
Blogger lets me post a blog by e-mailing it to them...which I can do on
the pocetmail machine...without the use of a full size computer. The
question on this trip will be how much it costs me to call the US access
number to download my e-mail...should be easier than searching out
internet access and not much more expensive. Plus this way I can be
typing my entries into the pocketmail machine as the days roll on. I
need to get used to using this tiny screen again and then it will be

So this is my first transmission through this chain of commuication to
make sure it still works the same.
Anxious to hear from my daughter who was tackling an awe inspiring home
improvement task on her own today. Gutsy lady...a lot like her mom.

So tomorrow is D-day. Leaving here at 9 AM to meet daughter at her
storage facility around noon. From there she will go along with us to
the airport and bring our truck back to park in the fenced compound at
the storage yard. We arrive in Los Angeles by 5:30 and met us with the
rest of the group. Our EVA airlines plane does not leave till nearly
midnight but it is best to be there early.

Nuf for now...I will keep you posted as the adventure unfolds. I will
feel much better once we are at the airport and have our very heavy bags
checked...come to think of it my aching back will also feel much better
as well.


Local access to PocketMail mobile
email now available in Europe, North
America & Australia


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