Sunday, February 27, 2005

Gary says he had forgotten what the view was like from 6' up

Thanks to everyone out there who had been sending prayers and positive thoughts our way. Today, my husband finally stands 6' tall again. After being "hunched over" at 5' since his injury in October, he looks like a new man as he today was standing much taller and straighter.

We cannot say for sure what it was but we finally resorted to alternative treatments. The "rehab" doctor had done the sacrolilliac injection with no improvement. Then she did the lumbar injections, going after it as she said "very aggressively" with a number of shots in the general region. He was very sore after that but she said it might be partly from the "trauma" of the number of shots she gave him.

Then last Friday, she referred him to a Naturopathic Doctor. Evidently because the muscles and such in the region had been idle for so long, they had atrophied and needed to be "waken up". They did a treatment with a "biphasic pyramidal wave" machine (called Neuro Care 100 if anyone is into that stuff). Then they sent it home with him and he has been doing treatments on his lumbar regions twice a day for 45 minutes at a time. I have read on the website about this therapy and it is recommended for treatment of diabetic neuropathy so perhaps it will have some long term application to helping him in other areas as well.

They also prescribed some patches for him to wear that helps him deal with the pain. They are very long lasting (72 hours) and deliver a steady dose of the medicine so he can feel better overall rather than having the spikes of pain as the other meds wear off.

We go back this coming Thursday to have them review his progress. He is definitely better and getting more and more excited about the upcoming trip. We know we will still have to take it real easy but at least he may be able to do better and enjoy himself somewhat.


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