Saturday, November 26, 2005

Grandkids can be very entertaining

Just got through reading a blog post by my daughter, Cindy, regarding how things are going at their house without Granddaughter, Jenna, who is at our house. Sounds like it is going well for them and providing some quality time for Cindy to interact with the other two kids without as much sibling "interaction" going on.

Jenna has been a bit of a character with us...which my daughter warned me about. However, I have been pretty stern with her and she has seemed to respect it. Tonight she was goofing around in the living room around her grandfather's prized glass top tables (which I agree are out of place around a 5 year old) and I just gave her a choice of sitting still and watching the movie or moving into the office and visiting with me while I worked on the computer...she quieted down and within 5 minutes she was asleep on the couch.

Cindy has been amazed when I tell her that Jenna begs to go to bed..."Grandma is it bed time yet???" I think we have been wearing her out. This morning we took her to the Whale Watch Cafe where she was literally glued to the window watching for the splash of a big whale she just was sure was out there. She gobbled down the french toast and bacon like she had not eaten for days. Same thing with the pizza she shared with her grandfather last night.

After breakfast we ran some errands and then finally arrived at the sandy beach for her to play. She ran up and down the sand with the kite she had made by herself and screeched with delight when she got it to fly in the wind. Too bad it did not have a tail and is spiraled hopelessly behind her. She spotted another young lady down the beach feeding seagulls and ran down to visit with her (always very gregarious like her mother was at that age). After the girl and her grandfather left the beach a few minutes later the grandfather came literally running down the beach to ask if it was OK that he gave Jenna some bread so she could feed the seagulls also. Of course I said.

First Jenna was standing there with two full pieces of bread and I was afraid the gulls would pull the full pieces out of her hands before she had time to "feed them". Finally I held them as she took just half piece at a time to dole out to the gulls. It was fun watching her throw the bread every which way making sure that each bird got its share. One gull in particular would start screeching if he did not get any and she would move closer to feed him individually.

Bare toes and coveralls rolled up, she frolicked in the shallows of the water without any sense of how cold it must be. She had fun and the minute we got into the car to leave she was planning out her plans for a return trip tomorrow. We will see...

We are going up to visit friends in Port Angeles so I worked today on getting a batch of Dog Tag letters ready to mail out. Cindy has been such a help in locating matches of dog tags to living veterans who once we notify them will be so glad to get back this valuable lost keepsake. I sent out letters on a total of 42 tags, which was 48 letters. Since most of them were to living veterans they are only one letter for the tag. The ones where I get multiple letters are when I am locating and notifying "next of kin" and will send to all the children at the same time...or to the widow and mother at the same time. Then they can decide who gets it. I am glad that Jess at TOP still takes care of handling the responses as it would be alot of responsibility deciding who to release the dog tags to. I used to do that kind of decision making tasks in my banking days but am glad now to be "retired" from it.

Well that is enough for now and will catch some of you on what we have been up to.


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