Friday, January 20, 2006

Happy Birthday and big hugs to daughter Cindy

33 years ago I gave birth to my favorite daughter, Cindy. That is a joke of ours (Cindy and mine)...she is an only child so "favorite daughter" is not really applicable but has been a term I have used often.

I am so thankful for the wonderful young lady that Cindy has become. She is loving, caring, generous and my best friend. We enjoy each others company and the many conversations we have about life, love, money and the mysteries of the universe (i.e. why did the man cross the road?).

While Cindy has indeed inherited some of my soft heart, organizational traits and talent for details and numbers, she has built upon that and gone beyond into a healthy lifestyle for herself and her family that I was never able to attain. I am so very proud of her accomplishments and the effort that she puts into them.

Sweet Cindy, take time to stop and smell the roses along the way. Love, Laugh, Live and Enjoy. Hugs to you on this your special day and many more to come.

From your proud friend and mother...


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