Saturday, February 25, 2006

Having too good a time to blog...sorry

We are well and having a great time.
This morning was our trip of a lifetime out to see the gray whales. The mothers brought their babies right up to the boat for us to pet...YES, PET. What a thrill.
So much to catch up on writing but we have been in very out of the way, remote locations with no internet. Will try to catch up first of the week...
Right now we are in Guerrero Negro and the bay we went out in where they calve the babies is called Scammon´s Lagoon if anyone wants to look it up on the internet.
All is well. Our last day driving was the worst of the mountainous road...part of it called Devils Grade...and we are glad to have it behind us.
More in a few days when I have better internet access.
Hugs and sunburns from,
Linda / Gary


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