Wednesday, March 01, 2006

February 21 Bahai Concepcion = Said to be the most beautiful body of water in Mexico

This was a short travel day and we were warned to be prepared for a “dry camp” on the beach. True to form they had not exaggerated. We drove right down onto the sand along this beautiful 25 mile long bay with each rig headed out toward the water. Once we were parked there was none of the normal “work” rigging up electrical cords, water hoses and septic hookups. Just let the automatic levelers down, slides out and hope you will not be stuck in the sand when it is time to leave. Surprisingly, out of 22 rigs, only one sunk into the sand enough to have to be towed out by the tail gunner’s 4 x 4.

The place we parked at had a nice restaurant where we had social gatherings, dinners and even a “Chinese Auction” which was great fun. No we did not auction off Chinese people or leftover Chinese food but instead ended up trading back and forth surplus items we had brought along (decorative candles, bottles of wine, treats, tourist trinkets and even a sexy lavender nightgown).

Lots of fun was had by all and it was a great setting for it.


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