Friday, April 30, 2004

Like watching wet paint that won't dry

Hurry up and wait has been our mantra for the last two days.

We have a pump down in the lazarette that was not properly wired and Gary has been waiting patiently (is that in his vocabulary?) for a commercial electrician who is supposed to come down and rewire it for us. I think we may finally get it done today but I know it has been a "trying" wait for Gary. I think this is made worse by the fact that Gary has the knowledge to do the job but is not able to get to it due to the size of the lazarette.

We are ready to do some local cruising but need to have this pump working so we can begin to "make water" again and make sure that system is in proper working order. Over the winter you have the system "pickled" since the membranes will deteriorate otherwise. So now you might say we are "in a pickle" until we get it operating properly again.

The weather has been beautiful and is actually warm today. Gary loves to turn on the air conditioning and "chill out". I think he enjoys the comments from concerned boaters who do not consider an AC unit standard cruising equipment in the Pacific Northwest and often think our bilge pumps must be working overtime as the AC pours water out the sides. We are not sinking...just chillin out!

The E-Mail facilities I am using are pretty exciting. Jeffix computer lab is set up for "extreme gaming" and the kids come in after school to plan computer games. The technology is beyond me but they are on separate computers around the room playing a game with each other...shooting and running...etc. As the play continues they yell back and forth at each other and it gets a bit much for a fifty something lady just trying to do E-mail and regular E-Mail. The lab is owned by one of my former banking clients and so it is fun to experience a part of their business I had not really seen as their banker.

The real excitement in my life today was my daughter's experience getting to be featured on the AM Northwest TV program in Portland. She and another gal were guests to speak on the fact that they each have lost over 100 pounds without the use of any special program, diet or surgery. From Cindy's account, on her blog, it sounds like it was quite a positive experience and one where she made some new friends and contacts in her new world of fitness. I am VERY PROUD of her for what she has accomplished and the example she is setting for her children!

One of my friends told me yesterday they really enjoyed the title I put on this web log = oldbroadventures. She had read it as "old broad ventures" and I guess that applies just as well as the "old bro adventures" I had intended.

So I will sign off today as
Old Bro' and His Old Broad


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