Wednesday, March 01, 2006

February 22 A Free Day at Bahai Concepcion

For us today was perfect and an excellent example of why we chose the “Slow ‘N Easy” way to see Baja.

There was an 8 to 9 AM coffee social but we slept right through it. The peaceful setting at Bahia Conception and cool nights gave us a very restful sleep. The combined sounds of the waves, wind and a few gentle raindrops were very soothing. Once we awoke there was no rush for anything so we lingered longer over our breakfast and just enjoyed the view of the beach around us.

The dolphins entertained us as they played in the bay. Birds soared overhead and dove for fish. It was a windy day but we still had hearty participants out scouring the beach for the treasured shells.

We read books, napped and discussed future trips. Later in the day we all joined together in Margaritas and Munchies on the concrete deck outside the restaurant. Gary and I felt right at home in front of the broken out wind break window with our stocking caps and warm jackets on. Just like the weather might be on an average summer day at our residence on the Oregon Coast! and a whole lot drier and warmer than the current winter they are having there now.

All in all, for us, the day was great and we were among a number of new found friends thanks to our mutual association with Adventure Caravans.


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